Tuesday, August 29, 2006

online withdrawl

Here I am , Finally! It seems that our hook up to satelite, was unhooked, without knowing, the annual payment out of our account was not enough, and so sunday morning , as I always do, I get online to check mail and see if loving family is online to chat, NO SIGNAL it states, oh no ! there must have been something gone wrong, I walk out to check the dish, Maybe an animal. a bird , or maybe a squrrel ,or even yet one of those UFO's , that seems to be often spotted around here in Tennessee. No , it looks fine, then what !? as the day goes on, I am having online withdrawl . what can it be,? it can't be the weather, it is clear as any other day , Since this only seems to bother me, I take it apon myself to call. And low and behold, there wasn't enough in our account, But Why!? since getting this service , it was and always been a study flow, no problems what so ever,Yet Since the company changed hands, no longer directway, was this the answer, who is to know now,what the reason be, why it happened it happened just the same, So until the monthly check comes in, we are on dail up . NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO GO BACK ! . THere isn't any thing wrong with it, just that it takes for ever to down load those new baby photo's of the newest member of the family, and I admit it I don't have patience , yes , you heard me ! I don't !, sure the cost is much different from the dsl to the dial up , from 60.00 to 14.95, but how much is it worth, to all the frustation I would be giving myself. So, I made this statement this morning,which I felt a must, I said! Since I go no where, I am here twenty four seven, most times, and I don't have much that I spend on , that this would be something I would give myself. And the response is, that I am right, So when the first of the month is here, it is back to dsl. So, as far as life , for me anyway should be back to normal. Unless you count this damn ! menopause feeling I have been havin, the late night hot flashes, and those sleepless nights, OH! and lets not forgot those damn countless dreams am having, I swear I have never had so many so often, or is it that I am more aware of them. Hell, last night dream was with Rock Husdon , Debbie Reynolds ,and Mary Tyler Moore. and driving a station wagon from the 60's , That still has me baffled? As it was once thought it may have had something to do with eatting late night, while let me tell you ! I didn't have any crackers thank you !! .